
Kids Tennis Lessons Rockingham

Rockingham Tennis Club

Venue Address
51 Kent Street, Rockingham, WA, 6169

Venue Phone
(08) 9381 7756

Venue Mobile
0417 935 659

Venue Email

Fun Kids Tennis Lessons Near Rockingham

Enrolling your child in a sports program can add up to a costly venture. After shopping for the equipment to play tennis, an unlucky parent can be stuck with expensive lessons, unexpected fees, and one excited child to keep happy. Tennis Lessons Perth wants to make Kids Tennis Lessons near Rockingham affordable and accessible to tennis learners of all ages, skill levels, and budgets.

If you have an especially young learner who’s ready to play some tennis, the modified Kindy Tennis Lessons for children ages three to five will introduce your kids to tennis with the same attention to detail and fun as the other Peter Gerrans Tennis Lessons Perth programs but will supply all equipment. Each eight-week term of Junior Tennis Lessons is already affordable at just $150 but may be reduced pro-rata for each week that new students skip when beginning their training.

The mission of Peter and Cassandra Gerrans is to bring the joy of casual and competitive tennis to everyone, and that means offering a tailored coaching experience and packing quality into each dollar spent by their customers. Tennis Lessons Perth offers top-of-the-line kids tennis lessons to Rockingham as well as other locations all around Perth to cut commuting costs and ensure that each student can come to class each week for a rich sports experience. Students will have a blast as they are awarded certificates and trophies, take part in Junior tournaments, participate in next-level Hot Shots courses, and progress to state tournaments and pennants, all through the programs offered by Tennis Lessons Perth.

For more information browse the site or call us on (08) 9381 7756.

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